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Feedback Emails: Definition and Best Practices To Create Them

Lilit Yeranyan

Table of Contents

How to improve strategies and increase the efficiency of digital marketing efforts? This is one of the biggest concerns that businesses are constantly trying to solve. And as one of the greatest instruments for communicating with customers, email provides businesses with an excellent opportunity to discover customer thoughts.

Therefore, feedback emails are an excellent source for connecting with customers, discovering valuable insights, and improving decisions. We are going to discuss the benefits of feedback emails and also suggest some tips that can help create these types of emails.

Employees working on feedback emails

Main types and benefits of feedback emails

Businesses send groups of email recipients to get their perceptions and concerns about their experience with their product or solution. In this stage, it’s important to pay attention to the survey, which shows that  72% of customers prefer email as their main medium for communicating with businesses. And companies should use that channel to send feedback request messages and collect customer feedback as well.

Depending on goals or objectives, there are several types of feedback emails that companies can send to improve their strategies. 

Email survey invites

Businesses invite email recipients to participate in comprehensive research when sending these types of emails. The goal of these messages is to inform the potential respondents about your survey and give them reasons why they should take it.

Customer service emails

The primary goals of these emails are to gather feedback about customers’ experience with the company service team and take the necessary steps to deliver a better experience.

Email signature feedback 

Email signature feedback offers simple and short questions and suggests email recipients give a rating.

Post-purchase emails

Typically, businesses send these kinds of emails after a customer makes a purchase or during delivery to gather valuable data from customers about how they feel about the products they bought or their experience with customer service. This feedback campaign is a great opportunity to improve customer experience and build better products.

There are several advantages that businesses can get from sending post-purchase, customer service, and other emails to collect customer feedback:

✔ Make product improvement

Gathering valuable information will help companies to discover areas that they need to improve and implement tactics to increase the quality of products. 

✔ Enhance customer relationships

By listening to the customer’s concerns and struggles, businesses need to offer solutions to customers and deliver a positive experience. Moreover, they can upgrade their email marketing campaigns and create effective announcement emails and product launch emails.

✔ Increase loyalty

Companies not only try to attract new customers but also retain existing ones. And being ready to listen to customers’ opinions makes them feel valued. Thus this will give companies a competitive advantage, as people will be more likely to stay loyal to the businesses that put them in the center.

✔ Cost-effective and easier to implement

It is a convenient and cost-effective tactic to collect customer feedback through email campaigns. Also, there is a huge opportunity to get as many people’s feedback as possible.

How to create a feedback email to get a response

Collecting feedback via feedback request message can be extremely beneficial if only companies implement effective strategies to get an insightful and accurate response. We will give you some tactics that can help achieve that goal.

Define your goals and target persona

The main factors that make your email campaign successful for collecting feedback have clear goals. By only setting objectives, businesses can take the necessary steps that will guide them during that journey. 

There are several goals that can be reached by sending these types of emails. In some cases, companies try to understand how their customers feel about the products and services they provide. Another goal that businesses can have is increasing customer retention and defining how they can improve their customer service. An important rule here is that goals that businesses set in this stage will give valuable insights that guide them to take action and improve their efforts.   

In this stage, to make your feedback campaigns even more effective, you need to consider who is your target persona and whether you should send surveys to a specific group or your entire email list. Having all this information will guide you on what type of feedback email you should design and send to your email leads.

Email notification on the phone

 2. Craft a strong subject line

One of the main steps to increase your email engagement is having a subject line that will increase the offering open rate. This is true for feedback emails, and if you want to get feedback from email recipients, your subject line should convince them to open your message. There are several tactics a business can follow to create effective subject lines:

Share with customers how their feedback is valuable for their business. 

Highlight in the subject lines rewards for giving feedback. 

Personalize as much as possible, starting with including the recipients’ names in emails.

Try to make it clear and short. A catchy subject line will captivate your audience. 

It’s really challenging to include all these elements in a short subject line; therefore,  it’s important to pay attention to the preheader as well. It can support your message and increase the likelihood that a customer will open the email.

3. Pay attention to personalization

Personalization plays a significant role regardless of what type of email marketing campaign you design. This approach increases the reader’s response rate as they feel that the sender is clearly interested in their opinion. Surveys indicate that  80% of consumers will buy products from brands that deliver personalized experiences. And when communicating with businesses via email, they expect to see more personalized messages in their inboxes.

Therefore, to convince people to share their thoughts, you need to learn how to ask for feedback on a project via email and put customers at the center of their campaign. For sure, including their names is important, but it’s more important to emphasize that the goal of collecting feedback is to provide them with a better experience. 

Employee writes feedback emails

4. Communicate the value 

In the next stage, companies should give reasons to email recipients to open their emails and get a response. First and foremost, sharing a plan to use and improve the product and informing email leads how their answers will guide them to enhance their experience will be beneficial.

Another effective tactic is offering different customer incentives for participating in your feedback campaign or sharing their thoughts. Offering coupon codes or special discounts to customers can increase the response rate. 

5. Include CTAs that increase the response rate

In case you managed to email open your message thanks to the strategic subject line, you should also convince people to respond to your surveys and other forms of feedback by including CTA.

First, it should be concise and clearly share how email recipients can participate in surveys and navigate them to the right pages where they can share their experiences and opinions. 

Moreover, it’s vital to use contrasting colors for the email body and CTA buttons. In that matter, it’s vital to place CTA strategically. Use strong and actionable words.

Also, it’s possible to use more than one CTA, but an important rule is avoiding being too pushy. Last but not least, prioritize the mobile-friendliness of CTA  to make it easy for mobile users to share their thoughts.

Companies send emails to collect feedback

6. Optimize your feedback email 

There are several tactics that you should follow to make your feedback campaign more successful and get more responses.

✔ Make them short and clear

People receive a huge number of emails daily, and to stand out in the inboxes is extremely challenging. Therefore companies should try to make their email surveys and other types of emails as concise as possible. Also, they must include only the most important questions in the message. 

✔ Add different visuals   

It will be a smart idea to use images and gifs and, this way, hook the email recipient’s attention. 

✔ Show them gratitude 

Sharing how much a business values the fact that customers share their thoughts can be a huge step in making your messages successful.

✔ Find the right timing

The time businesses send feedback email is a key element for getting a response.  In this matter, collect data using analytics tools to determine which days of the week and times of the day emails get the most opens. Typically people tend to choose their inboxes in the morning between 10 am and 12 pm.

✔ Be clear and concise 

Another important step is clearly explaining the goal of collecting feedback and making it easier for email leads to take your email surveys.

✔ Test and track 

Analyzing your email campaigns play a significant role in increasing engagement as well. Also, doing A/B testing can help discover what works best and what needs to be improved. And businesses can get valuable data that will guide them to enhance their strategies.

To sum up

Customer feedback is a valuable factor for business growth. And feedback emails carry huge importance at this stage. In the article, we discussed tactics and what advantages these emails can provide to businesses and dive into the best practices to create them. 

Following our suggestions, businesses can employ a customer-centric approach and make them feel valued. By always trying to deliver a great experience to them, businesses can accomplish various goals. 


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